Stephen Barrington, gets interviewed about the Freight Club...
Felixstowe & District Horticultural Society: Caroll Wallace
Caroll tells us about the Society and the...
Allison checks out a campaign by Suffolk Sports...
Felixstowe Hockey Club: John Backs and Mike Anderson
John Backs and Mike Anderson of Felixstowe Hockey...
Felixstowe Photographic Society
Hope Trust is a Felixstowe charity that works...
Trimley Social Club Motorcycle Show
Steve Baker from the Trimley Social Club comes...
Anne talks to Ken who is the President...
Felixstowe Fairtrade – Stephen Wyatt Stephen Wyatt comes to the studio to...
- David and Ruffy come to the studio...
Tricia talks to Felixstowe Scribblers
Patricia talks to a representative from St Elizabeths...